Friday 15 August 2008

Matt sterbenz at the forefront??

I had a huge reaction to Matt Sterbenz, no homo Matt; most people do. A mystery, a blackened head with a question mark over him, Sterbenz has long attracted a crossfade of opinion. Whats yours?

Well it depends...

How did you meet?

(enter Brad)

Brad: Well.....Matt and i go way back! This one time.....
TD: Woha hold up, tell us a bit about yourself first
Brad: Sure.. Sure ..Sure urrh (flushed) I'm 14 and Matt was my coach at COC. Best ever. I mean like THE BEST EVER. And he like.. gave me his water and i... like drank it. And this other time he let me try like the new skis... and once ........................

There is no doubt Matt is a great coach. Unlike some people he is not just there to ski the glacier and I'm not sure he is there just to sell skis. Say what you like but when you ski with Matt he genuinely cares. Its not about the dollars you represent but the person who has come to camp. Meet this Matt Sterbenz and start a life long romance of unadulterated loyalty.

Unfortunately that's not the whole story.

(Exit Coach Sterbenz)
(Enter CEO Sterbenz)

Like a true politician Matt never lets the mud stick. As with many great men his signature "all or nothing" style has been responsible for making 4frnt the greatest could have been ever. There are no facts, just suggestion.

Tom Wallisch is now on amplid
Mike Hornbeck is now on liberty
Sammy Carlson is now on Salomon

It would seem that Matt can get the girl but not get her into bed. For these three 4frnt as a company could never fulfill their potential nor Sterbenz as a person a keep their loyalty.

Its a side claimed to have been seen by many consumers. ( A lot of boring after sale horror stories too numerous and boring to go into) Is this the real matt sterbenz?

I think not....
But equally he is not whistler's wonder boy either.

What do you expect from a man who made a company selling pro models? Like his skis Matt sterbenz comes in a variety sizes, shapes and designs each serving a different function. Some we like some we don't.

So are you hating the man or the MAN inside the man??

But hell i went to camp...................

1 comment:

Gabe L'Heureux said...

Wow, looks like Matt stole ur girl one time too many...Sounds like you werent cool enough to get in the ski scene so you need to bash others that have sucessfully made something out of nothing. I cant believe you even have the time in ur life to come up with crap like this.

Im not even a skier, I snowboard and realize that 4Frnt is the only company in skiing that is core, not and old money, rich kid, stuffy PRICK, ski company. Not the kind of company ur lame ski industry is so made up of.

Also, how does anyone have time to ski when they are in the office their entire life. As far as camp goes. Sure Matt goes to camp to promote 4frnt. What pro athlete doesnt go the camp to represent their endorsers. (Im sure you wouldnt know this). Matt also goes to ski, since he never gets to during the winter.

Id love for you to talk this shit to Matts face. Bloggers like urself never do. Im sure he would have no problem beating u over the head with ur own rollerblade.